Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Homecoming Insanity Approaches

Have you heard about Homecoming? Well it's next week! Can you believe it? We sure can't though that's because we only have about a dozen events all in one week. Four is usually a lot of work for us. Imagine a dozen all clustered together? But were up to the challenge and we can't wait for y'all to come compete and participate in our events.

Here is a complete list of the events (not just SAB sponsored ones, those are highlighted in orange font):

  • Monday, September 26
  • Spirit Log Hunt & Breakfast 9-11 am, Hypostyle
  • Powder Puff Football 3-5 pm, Hutchinson Quad
  • Royalty Pagent Rehearsal 6-11 pm, Pond Student Union Ballroom
  • Night Ultimate Frisbee 8:45 - 10:45pm, Cadet Field
  • Tuesday, September 27
  • Sidewalk Chalk & Karaoke 3 - 6:30pm, Hutchinson Quad
  • Royalty Pageant 7 - 10pm, Pond Student Union Ballroom
  • Wednesday, September 28
  • Chip Dip Competition 12 - 1pm, Rendezvous
  • Pinata Making Contest Part 1 3 - 6pm, Craft Shop, Pond Student Union
  • Bonfire 9 - 11pm, Holt Arena Parking Lot
  • Thursday, September 29
  • Alumni Association Board of Directors Fall meeting 8:30am, Rendezvous A & B
  • Giant Twister & Tie-dye 3 - 6pm, Hutchinson Quad
  • Pinata Making Contest Part 2 3 - 6pm, Hypostyle
  • Free Cotton Candy 3-6pm, Pond Student Union
  • Homecoming Kickoff Event 6pm, Pinehurst Nursery ($20/person)
  • Homecoming Dance 7 - 10pm, Pond Student Union Ballroom
  • Friday, September 30
  • Founders Luncheon 11:45am, Wood River Room
  • President's Alumni Recognition Dinner & Reception 6pm, Red Lion Pocatello Hotel
  • True Bengal 11:30pm - 12am, Red Hill
  • Saturday, October 1
  • Homecoming Parade 10 am-Noon, Downtown Pocatello ending at Holt Arena Parking Lot
  • Tailgate 11 am, Holt Arena Parking Lot
  • Homecoming Football Game 1:30pm, Holt Arena
  • Pokapalooza 5-10pm, Hutchinson Quad
  • Steve Eaton - Tribute Concert for Roger Williams with his Jazz band and special performance with Mike Sanders 7:30pm
And here's a link to the Homecoming website: http://www.isu.edu/homecoming/

We cannot wait for all of our events and look forward to seeing you all there!

Probies, Out!

Attack of the Bingo!

Last week was our first Bingo and it was a huge success! Over 300 students showed up to try their luck and test the capacity in the ballroom. We literally had attendees sitting on the floor to play while maintenance set up additional tables and chairs for our event!

Were you happy with the prizes handed out? If not or if you just have suggestions for future prizes you would like to see, please email us at sab@isu.edu and let us know your opinions!

Here's our Director Sheila giving out Bingo cards
Here's some of our other prizes!
A big congratulations to our grand prize winner! Make sure you come out next month for even more prizes! So many people came! 

Make sure you don't miss out next month. All of this was going on while ASISU Speaks debuted on KISU. They provided free food and discussion outside of the involvement center. Did you check out both Bingo and ASISU Speaks?

Our double dutier of the night (ASISU and SAB)
So whom attacked whom? Things got crazy at Cash Attack last Friday. If you didn't come you definitely missed out on more than just free cash, you missed out on seeing what students will do for free cash! People were screaming, taking off their shoes, getting on friends shoulders, and more! When going through the pictures I saw one guy stripped off his shirt and was waving it around his head like a helicopter.  

Our beautiful assistant (and Family Events programmer) Stacey!
Is he crying?!
Thanks to all of our attendees! We greatly appreciate it and look forward to seeing you in the future. Our next event, besides our weekly Bengal Wednseday, is Speed Dating on Friday, September 23rd. Please RSVP in the Involvement Center.
Probies, out!

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Family Tailgate Tale

Thank you to all the families and students that helped make our big campout a success! We had so much fun roasting weenies and burning smores.

We've already been asked to do it again by several attendees. We'll see about the spring... if it ever gets warm enough. Hopefully winter isn't as long this year. In case you missed it, at the campout we set up our own tents, made camera shaped name tags, named our campsites, sang some songs, went hunting for some bears, and then watched Yogi Bear. It was a blast! Literally, during the afternoon it was so windy it moved and almost knocked our blow up screen over. Luckily, though, around the time the event started the wind calmed down.
One of our 14 campsites

Benny and the kids

Blow up screen and clock tower. So pretty :)
The movie was adorable! Even if I only did see 5 minutes of it. One of our board members, who shall remain name less, lost their keys. Two hours later we found them... YAY! and then it was time for bed.  It had been a long fun filled day! The next day? Just as long :)

I guess some SAB'ers are morning people? Note to self: Keep Brooke away from sharp objects

And I guess some really aren't... literally had to use a bull horn to wake him up
After we broke camp, we got showered up and then prepared for our Western States Tailgate party! We had games, prizes, and watermelon. Over 350 students stopped by our table! So if you haven't checked it out already, we put up photos from the day. See if you can find yourself amongst the crowd.

Throw a football through a tire, win a t-shirt. Pretty simple right? Wrong. Some had to try over ten times to get it through. We also had a spinning wheel that you could win a cowbell, t-shirt, coupon to Ruby Tuesday, buttons, and more! We'll be doing this kind of thing at every tailgate, so bring your Bengal ID and you could win next time!

Needs more cowbell!
Next up, Bingo! September 13th, 2011.

Probies, out!

Friday, September 9, 2011

QR What?

Do you know what this strange picture is? 
Well you should! It is a QR Code and if you scan it with your smart phone it will show you something awesome! Keep an eye out for this on all of our events posters, and poster stands as well.

Probies, out!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Second Week of School Down

So the second week is over! Time is already flying by...

Did you come check out the kick off to our college wellness series "Shape UR Life?" We started things right with a motivational speech by "Biggest Loser's" Moses Kinikini followed up by a Zumba Flash Party on the Quad! That was last Tuesday, August 30th.

Q&A with Moses
The Board with Moses

Wellness Center giving us a workout!
It was so much fun danicing the night away with ISU's Wellness Center and Moses. It was a great workout and helped me learn some new dance moves ;) I can't wait to try them out at the Homecoming Bonfire, September 28th! Mark your calendars!

Then on August 31st we had the first of our Bengal Wednesday's! SAB passed out free candy and buttons to those wearing orange or ISU gear. This is a weekly staple with SAB, so remember to show some school pride on Wednesday's (and everyday) for sure. I hear this coming wednesday Benny should be helping us out as well. Just saying...

Until next time, Probies, out!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Shape UR Family Booty!

This week, SAB has so much planned and we're so excited!

First off, Tuesday, September 6th we're hosting our second installment of this year's college wellness series "Shape UR Life." This time it's "Yoga Booty" where we'll be stretching up a storm in the Rendezvous suites. 

There will be three different sessions, one for the noob in all of us, one for the zen in all of us, and one for the masochist in all of us. Just kidding... but really there will be something for everyone with this event. 

Then wednesday it's our Bengal Wednesday! Wear orange and ISU gear, get free candy. That. Simple.

Thursday we are doing our tweaked version of "Iron Chef" with what we're calling a "SuperFood Showdown." This means that each installment will focus on a different "Superfood," or a nutrient dense, calorie sparse, nugget of awesome! The best part is that there will be a dorm room specific focus, meaning you can learn to apply these "Superfood's" in your everyday college life. 

The first installment will focus on tomatoes! Could ya guess?

That's not all SAB is doing this week. Friday we're having a Family Camp Out on the Quad. Families need to register at the involvement center, but when they do they will get to participate in games, free food, a screening of Yogi Bear, and more! Also the joys of sleeping in tents and sleeping bags with out having to go anywhere but campus!

Then after we wake up on Saturday, shower, have breakfast, etc. we will be heading up to Holt Arena at 2:00 to play some more games, give away free gear, and support the team with our Western States Tailgate.

Be sure to support SAB this week, and in the future, by coming to our events! We do all of this for you, the students of ISU.

Probies, out!

Have you heard about the Probe?

Well, I guess you have since you found us! Welcome to your source for all things concerning ISU's Student Activities Board. Come here to learn more about upcoming and past events. We'll also be doing guest highlights on campus wide and community events. 

It's September and I'm a little behind on the Probe. School has already started and so have this year's SAB events.

So far we've had a Family Back to school Social up at the Ridge Crest multi-purpose room. It was a blast seeing so many families! We had shaved ice, crafts for the kids, and Benny even made an appearance.

That was on Tuesday, August 23rd. The next day we had a table at the Student Organizations Involvement Center.

We gave away TONS of free gear and had a blast rocking out to Raining Jane. We also helped run their sales table. Look at Sheila! She had so much fun not being under our canopy. ;)

Thursday, August 25th, we had our massive Quad Party with vendor and club booths, 40 Oz to Freedom headlining, Shawn and the Marauders opening, and ATOM: the world's fastest painter giving away FREE paintings in a jiffy. 

When we give away free gear, we give away free gear! Oh, and did I mention there was a foam slip n slide? Oh yeah!

Look at Sheils's face! Priceless!

I love how artistic this photo is! and the irony it's of an artist? Not lost.

And all of this was just the first week of school! Wanna know what all we did the second week? Then stay tuned for future updates.

Probies, out.