Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Probe Down!


I guess this is goodbye. It's the end of the 2011-2012 ISU Student Activities Board, and starting next week it's an (almost -  I'm looking at you Stacey) all new board!

What does this mean for the Probe? It means soon there will be a new voice speaking to you through the Probe. A new person's perspective, ideas, and personality.

'Cuz let's face it, I can be a tad snarky. Will the next Prober be? You'll just have to keep reading and stick around for next year.

So, who are the new honchos coming to the office. Well these losers...

I mean winners!

The only returning SAB member will be Stacey Pearson! This past year she was our amazing Family Events Programmer!

Look at that sly Mrs. Claus!
Our new Bengal Pride Chair will be Amanda Donaldson! If she looks familiar, you may also be an Alpha Xi Delta sorority member. Just think about that one...

Education Chair goes to... Carli Oeding. Hey Carli, remember that time you came to an SAB event, and were hypnotized? Ya, me too. Good times.

Entertainment and future Bingo balls caller (and other events) will be Valenting Garcia. A Kappa Sigma brother, and all around good guy!

The new Family Events Chair will be Whitney Garner! I don't actually know her... so y'all should give feedback on this sure to be awesome individual! I mean, she got hired right?

Next year's Marketing Chair, and possible Prober ... Ryan Heffner!

Good luck to next year's Student Activities Board! You're gonna need it! (Especially at Homecoming...)

I'm just kidding!

It's been a wild year for the Probies, and I just want to say thank you to all of the students that came out and supported all of our events. Thanks for making this year such a success! Also, thank you to all of the Probe readers out there! If only you knew how to comment... 

I leave you with a song that seems very appropriate. For all you 90s kids, I hope you get the reference!

Until, well... Goodbye!
Probies, out!