Thursday, October 13, 2011

Probing the Board: The Big Cat Edition

This is the first of many glimpses into the lives and psyches of the Student Activities Board. Scary, right? If you ever wanted to know more about the board than just our bios on our website, well you're in luck!

First up is The Big Cat! So what did he have to say about himself when the Probe was turned on him?
nom nom nom
What is your full name?
Aaron “The Big Cat” McCabe
What is some of your past and current involvement here on campus?
Entertainment chair, Director (2 times) and Big Events Chair. Kappa Sigma President, ASISU Senator for College of Education and Greek Council President.
What is your major and how long have you been at ISU?
I am a senior and I am a Secondary Physical Education major. 
Where are you from and why did you decide to come to ISU?
I am from Kent, Washington (near Seattle) and I came to ISU to play football.
Apple juice or orange juice?
Apple Juice, (but OJ kills….get it OJ kills?)
List 5 goals on your life’s to-do and/or bucket list.
Scuba dive in Austral
Finish College
Own a house
Travel outside the USA
Live life to the fullest!
What is an embarrassing moment of yours?
           [He so failed to answer this one...]
Reach for the stars!
What are three things you cannot live without?
Coffee, Air, Friends
What is your favorite color?
Black and Orange
How would your friends best describe you?
Big , loud, friendly, and a goofball
If you were a Star Trek [or Star Wars] character, which one would it be?
Dark Vader [I think he meant Darth...]
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?     
The Advancers of Big Cat
What is the one food you could never give up?
Do you like to sing in the shower?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Teaching and Coaching in Seattle
What is the last book you read for pleasure?
I hope they server Beer in Hell
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Who is one of your role models and why?
My Day, Ray McCabe. He has shown me how to become the person I am today and continues to show me support.
Do you have any hidden talents? What are they?
I can make a Bee / Moth sound in your ear [He really can and it's really annoying FYI]
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Coffee beans, milk, chicken, salad stuff, creamer, left over’s, cheese, bread, lunch meat, fruit and veggies.
If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Vince Lombardi [I'm gonna be honest, so had to google who this was...]
If you had a theme song, what would it be?
Celebration from Kool and The Gang
Which areas of the world would you like to explore and why? 
Australia. Something about Australia that has always wanted me to go there.  
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Funny, likeable, and dependable.
Tell me a joke.
Republicans! [Wait for it...]

Well that was a glimpse into The Big Cat. Wanna know more? Just ask!

Probies, out!

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