Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Probing Deep: Courting Carli the Catty Cutie

Greeting y'all! My apologies for the lateness of this week's post. We ran into this thing called "no time" and for some reason couldn't get to the post until today. For those of you just joining us, we're the Probies, the guides (and Chairs...) of the enigmatic Student Activities Board. Here's what you've missed last week!

On Tuesday the 11th, SAB held a tourney worthy of the bards: water pong! As part of our "Drug Free in Week 3" campaign, 16 teams competed in single elimination until there was only one winning team, whose prize was a set of high quality ping tables. 

The children of our gracious leader, educating themselves with a former Chair,  Lady Kelsey Proctor (in black).
Two days late, we began the game of volleyball where no one coud escape unpainted. It was epic, colorful, and for those of us who got wet, freezing. In short, it was a typical SAB outdoors event. For only holding a smallish amount of people, things sure got crazy!
Action shot!
Now, we would say that was a fun week. So much so, that it was decided that we needed to know more about where these events came from; in short, Carli, the madam of the Education Chair, was forced to sit down with the Probie who writes.

Here she is, in all her glory!
1.     What is your full name?
·      Carli Renee’ Oeding
2.     What is some of your past and current involvement here on campus?
·     Obviously, I am a part of SAB. I am also apart of the Women’s Rugby Team, Dodgeball Intramurals, and Flag Football Intramurals
3.     What is your major and how long have you been at ISU?
·      Pre-Med, specifically Pediatrics. This is my 2nd year at ISU!
4.     Where are you from and why did you decide to come to ISU?
·      I am from Salmon Idaho. I decided to come here because I loved the campus and people and I became a part of the First Year Scholars.
Fellow FYS kiddie! 
5.     If you were a comic book hero or villain, what would your name, powers, and arch nemesis be?
·      My superhero name would be Thunder, my power would be Teleportation and my arch nemesis would be Lightening!
Anyone else confused on how Thunder equals teleportation? Unless her ports make a thunder-like noise when she arrives at places. 
6.     List 5 goals on your life’s to-do and/or bucket list.
·      I would like to become a Pediatrician
·      Skydive/ bungee jump
·      Visit each state in the United States at least once
·      Have a home is Mexico
·      Pay for a month long vacation for my parents
7.     Tell me about a scar you have and how you got it.
·      I have a scar above my right eyebrow. My brother and I were playing rollie pollie, which is on the trampoline where one person rolls and the other jumps over the roller. I jumped a little too aggressively over him and caught my foot in the springs where I plummeted to the ground. On the way down my forehead and the porch and railroad tie met. I broke my thumb and was rushed to the hospital where I got six stitches!
8.     What are three things you cannot live without?
·      My king size bed
·      Chai Tea
·      Internet
If any of you were wondering, she originally had Karnation and her man on this list in place of the last two... Kinky, eh?
9.     What is your favorite color?
·      Turquoise!!!!!!!
10.  How would your friends best describe you?
·      My friends would probably describe my as a lunatic. I am very spontaneous and so most times people don’t know how to handle my personality. Usually I bring people out of their shell whether I have to force them out or the willingly decide to.
11.  If you were a Harry Potter character, which one would it be?
·      I would be Hagrid! Because he loves animals, everyone has to look up to him, and he’s smoking hot!
She likes 'em big, boys! How does her man compare? 
12.  If you were to be on the cover of a magazine in 10 years, what would it the magazine be and what would the article be about?
·      Cosmopolitan. The article would have to be about how Ryan Gosling proposed to me!
13.  If you had to eat only one food for a year, what would it be?
·      I would pick tuna. As gross as that sounds I love me some tuna!
Ewwwww... *insert gif of Kristen Wiig from Bridesmaids (you know the one)*
14.  Do you like to sing in the shower?
·      Ummm, duh doesn’t everyone. I can sing Grenade better than almost anyone I know….. as long as no one is listening.
15.  What kind of dinosaur did you want to be when you were younger? What about now?
·      I wanted to be Ducky from the Land Before Time. I still want to be Ducky, shes like the coolest character in the whole movie!
16.  What is the last book you read for pleasure?
·      Kama-sutra
Woot woot! Get some! And knowing her relationship status, well ahem, this could be happening as I write this. 
17.  Besides Facebook, what website do you spend the most time on?
·      Pinterest!!!! I am an excellent pinner! Follow me!
18.  Who is one of your role models and why?  
·      My mom, hands down. She is the strongest person I’ve ever met, a successful business woman, and has a heart of gold. She has always been my best friend and the person I turn to when nothing makes any sense or when there seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
19.  Do you have any hidden talents? What are they?
·      As Ryan says, “I am sickly double jointed in my fingers.” I have an extreme hitchhikers thumb and all my fingers can pop out of the joint.
This is Ryan the guy who writes these, not Gosling. Sorry ladies, Gosling wasn't able to make it to the interview...
20.  What would I find in your trash can right now?
·      Tons of recyclables because my roommate is a recycle freak. I have now learned almost everything can and WILL be recycled.
I said trash can, not recycling bin. I think the Education Chair needs some edumacation. 
21.  If you could have lunch with any person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
·      Ryan Gosling. He needs to know that I am his future wife!
Hmmmm I smell a restraining order in your future!
22.  If you had a theme song, what would it be?
·      Thunderstuck by ACDC, to go along with my super hero name!
23.  Which areas of the world would you like to explore and why? 
·      All of them if I could but at the top of my list is Mexico and Ireland because they are so different than what I am used to seeing.
24.  How would you describe yourself in three words?
·      Spontaneous
·      Loyal
·      Adventurous
25.  Tell me a joke.
·      Why did the chicken cross the road? (Why?) To get to your house…..
WAIT WAIT. That one sucked. Knock Knock… (Whos there) THE CHICKEN!
Someone likes Laffy Taffy jokes a little too much. 
Carli definitely gave us some interesting answers. At least we know who the most into it person on the Board is now... 
Schedule of events, just in case you can't read.
Also y'all, don't forget, next week is the week of hellishly epic proportions: Homecoming. We hope to see y'all there at EVERYTHING!

You stay classy, Pocatello!
-The Probies

Monday, September 10, 2012

Going for Gold, Getting Orange and Black

So you're back, eh? Couldn't get enough of us, is that it? Who can blame you, we are pretty much the best people on campus. Our latest adventure into the world of the Student Activities Board takes us through the hidden world of Family Game Night Kickoff, followed by the pomposity that is the Tailgate!

A battle of the most epic proportions took place Friday evening. Two enemies, each willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of honor, took to the field. With all the strength of a raging fire, the two foes meet with a clash!
In one corner, with sharpened beaks, stands-err sits the Avian Kamikazes!
In the other corner, perched atop cardboard fortresses, the Viridian Snorkers! 
And of course, there were children there, enjoying schtuff. But that night was really about the War of Beak and Hoof, because it was clearly the best part of that night. Clearly. Don't disagree and try and say that the Twister tournament, or the food, or the playing of the Lorax (PG). It was the birds!
Look, small children frolicking! 
Following the bloodshed and war that was Family Game Night Kickoff, we had a grand ol' time playing "give out free swag" all throughout the Tailgate of the Eighth.
It's like Wheel of Fortune, but you don't have to be smart. 
There was no way someone could leave our obscenely orange table without some kind of SAB covered item. All the peasants had to was spin a wheel and BOOM! they got something. If they were athletically graced (or just lucky), and could put a ball in a hole, they got one of our shirts. We were practically just handing schtuff to people without any kind of difficulty on their part.
Let's see who can get it in the hole... 
Starting tomorrow, we enter the fabulousness that is Drug Free in Week 3. Remember Red Ribbon Week back in your youth? Well, this is it, college-ified. What ever can y'all do to partake in this most holy of weeks? Play "water" pong and paint-covered volleyball!
Want to play in these games? Well too bad, odds are most of you missed the pong tournament sign up. Have no fear, though, you can still watch the game, as well as have a part in a mock DUI test put on by attending Public Safety members. Volleyball is so much more lenient. All you have to do is show up, we'll give you a shirt, and you can go cover yourself in paint. Woot woot!

You stay classy, Pocatello!
-The Probies

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Year, New Probe

So here we are; it is a new year, and you're all in the hands of a whole new set of Probies. Your former weekly updater has left for, say, rosier pastures. From this point forward, you have a new guide into the eerie realm of the Student Activities Board. The neoprobies are here!

As we conclude our first week of school, there is already so much to say. We had a very successful time at the Involvement Fair, giving away more than a few cartfuls of SAB swag. Let's just say we put our prize wheel to the test that afternoon.

The challenge for all the little peasants- I mean students at the Quad Party.
On Thursday, we had our first true SAB event: the Quad Party. With a water slide, live music, free food, and most importantly, free SAB swag, this was a great chance to introduce all the common folk to the mysteries of their overlords, the Student Activities Board. Like the Involvement Fair, we exercised our prize wheel to its max!

Our valiant director, Lady Stacey, managing the wheel, and me, your version of Gandalf,  in the process of losing my lovely voice.
With Brody and the Outlaws providing the music, the focus of the small ones (meaning y'all reading this) was certainly on the water slide. There is simply too many wonderful photos of people going down it to share here, but here are some of my favorites of the Board:

Here is your Education Chair, Carli, looking like a lil' kid pouting. Adorable, ain't she? 
Stacey again, crash landing into the pool. 
Carli makes a reappearance here, with Mandy of Bengal Pride in tow.
The current holder of the Family Events chair, Whitney, mid-fall. I can't tell if she likes it or not.
Safe to say, we had fun. Meeting people has its perks, but for me, holding a domineering presence over the kids in line really made my day. This year will be a blast!

If you want to see us in action again (and let's face it, who wouldn't?), head on out to the Family Game night kickoff this upcoming Friday. Sure it may be oriented towards kids, but it's going to be a delight for those who can survive our series of Olympic-style tourneys. Plus with the Lorax (PG) playing in the evening, you aren't going to want to miss it.

You also won't want to miss the football game on Saturday. Come tailgate with us at 2pm in the Holt Parking Lot. You can win free schtuff if you can somewhat throw a ball. We're not expecting a lot of talent from all y'all.

A whole new team awaits to lead y'all into a year of fun, challenges, knowledge, and most of all, memories. The Student Activities Board is here, so don't miss your chances to be with us week after week. I mean, you are really going to need a break from all that studying, right?

You stay classy, Pocatello!
-The Probies