Monday, September 3, 2012

New Year, New Probe

So here we are; it is a new year, and you're all in the hands of a whole new set of Probies. Your former weekly updater has left for, say, rosier pastures. From this point forward, you have a new guide into the eerie realm of the Student Activities Board. The neoprobies are here!

As we conclude our first week of school, there is already so much to say. We had a very successful time at the Involvement Fair, giving away more than a few cartfuls of SAB swag. Let's just say we put our prize wheel to the test that afternoon.

The challenge for all the little peasants- I mean students at the Quad Party.
On Thursday, we had our first true SAB event: the Quad Party. With a water slide, live music, free food, and most importantly, free SAB swag, this was a great chance to introduce all the common folk to the mysteries of their overlords, the Student Activities Board. Like the Involvement Fair, we exercised our prize wheel to its max!

Our valiant director, Lady Stacey, managing the wheel, and me, your version of Gandalf,  in the process of losing my lovely voice.
With Brody and the Outlaws providing the music, the focus of the small ones (meaning y'all reading this) was certainly on the water slide. There is simply too many wonderful photos of people going down it to share here, but here are some of my favorites of the Board:

Here is your Education Chair, Carli, looking like a lil' kid pouting. Adorable, ain't she? 
Stacey again, crash landing into the pool. 
Carli makes a reappearance here, with Mandy of Bengal Pride in tow.
The current holder of the Family Events chair, Whitney, mid-fall. I can't tell if she likes it or not.
Safe to say, we had fun. Meeting people has its perks, but for me, holding a domineering presence over the kids in line really made my day. This year will be a blast!

If you want to see us in action again (and let's face it, who wouldn't?), head on out to the Family Game night kickoff this upcoming Friday. Sure it may be oriented towards kids, but it's going to be a delight for those who can survive our series of Olympic-style tourneys. Plus with the Lorax (PG) playing in the evening, you aren't going to want to miss it.

You also won't want to miss the football game on Saturday. Come tailgate with us at 2pm in the Holt Parking Lot. You can win free schtuff if you can somewhat throw a ball. We're not expecting a lot of talent from all y'all.

A whole new team awaits to lead y'all into a year of fun, challenges, knowledge, and most of all, memories. The Student Activities Board is here, so don't miss your chances to be with us week after week. I mean, you are really going to need a break from all that studying, right?

You stay classy, Pocatello!
-The Probies

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