Monday, September 10, 2012

Going for Gold, Getting Orange and Black

So you're back, eh? Couldn't get enough of us, is that it? Who can blame you, we are pretty much the best people on campus. Our latest adventure into the world of the Student Activities Board takes us through the hidden world of Family Game Night Kickoff, followed by the pomposity that is the Tailgate!

A battle of the most epic proportions took place Friday evening. Two enemies, each willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of honor, took to the field. With all the strength of a raging fire, the two foes meet with a clash!
In one corner, with sharpened beaks, stands-err sits the Avian Kamikazes!
In the other corner, perched atop cardboard fortresses, the Viridian Snorkers! 
And of course, there were children there, enjoying schtuff. But that night was really about the War of Beak and Hoof, because it was clearly the best part of that night. Clearly. Don't disagree and try and say that the Twister tournament, or the food, or the playing of the Lorax (PG). It was the birds!
Look, small children frolicking! 
Following the bloodshed and war that was Family Game Night Kickoff, we had a grand ol' time playing "give out free swag" all throughout the Tailgate of the Eighth.
It's like Wheel of Fortune, but you don't have to be smart. 
There was no way someone could leave our obscenely orange table without some kind of SAB covered item. All the peasants had to was spin a wheel and BOOM! they got something. If they were athletically graced (or just lucky), and could put a ball in a hole, they got one of our shirts. We were practically just handing schtuff to people without any kind of difficulty on their part.
Let's see who can get it in the hole... 
Starting tomorrow, we enter the fabulousness that is Drug Free in Week 3. Remember Red Ribbon Week back in your youth? Well, this is it, college-ified. What ever can y'all do to partake in this most holy of weeks? Play "water" pong and paint-covered volleyball!
Want to play in these games? Well too bad, odds are most of you missed the pong tournament sign up. Have no fear, though, you can still watch the game, as well as have a part in a mock DUI test put on by attending Public Safety members. Volleyball is so much more lenient. All you have to do is show up, we'll give you a shirt, and you can go cover yourself in paint. Woot woot!

You stay classy, Pocatello!
-The Probies

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