Thursday, October 18, 2012

Probing Deep: Whitney Woves Wittle Ones

So, another week gone by. Did you miss me? I bet you did. Everybody misses the great and powerful Probe. As we've done in the past, this week we turn our focus onto our on pantheon of greater being. The Fates have determined this week we peer into the life of our kindest and most innocent Chair, the darling Whitney Garner, resident Family Events Chair.
There she is making a lovely face to go with her red top. She's on the right, just  for all y'all who don't know her. 
1.         What is your full name?
Whitney Page Garner
2.         What is some of your past and current involvement here on campus?
I work at the Craft Shop, which is also on campus! Plus a few clubs.
All the Craft Shop people are amazing! Go down there and be best friends with all of them. 
3.         What is your major and how long have you been at ISU?
I am majoring in Dietetics and This is my third year here at ISU.
4.         Where are you from and why did you decide to come to ISU?
I am from American Falls and I decided to come to ISU because it was close to  home and I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go in life.
5.         If you were a comic book hero or villain, what would your name, powers, and arch nemesis be?
Invisible Poison is my name and Invisibility and Super Speed are my games. My arch nemesis is Antitoxin.           (Give me a break it’s all I could think of).
 Hey, it works. I don't get where the "Poison" part comes from, but it works. 
6.         List 5 goals on your life’s to-do and/or bucket list.
·         Visit every state in the US
·         Make a hole in one at golf
·         Learn to play piano
·         See the 7 wonders of the World
·         Take up Photography
7.      Tell me about a scar you have and how you got it.
            I have a scar on my right arm, by my inner elbow, and I got that while I was boating. I not actually sure at what point it occurred or from what, but it left a mark.
8.      What are three things you cannot live without?
·         My Cell phone
·         My Family + My Pets
·        My Car
9.      What is your favorite color?
            Purple, but it has to be a dark. No ordinary purple will do!
10.  How would your friends best describe you?
            Nerdy, Clumsy, Always in my own little world, lots of blonde moments.
11.  If you were a Harry Potter character, which one would it be?
            Hermione! She is brilliant, ambitious, compassionate, and loyal. All things I look up too, and admire to be.
The only downside: marrying a ginger. I feel so bad for Hermione. She's doomed...
12.  If you were to be on the cover of a magazine in 10 years, what would it the magazine be and what would the article be about?
            Martha Stewart Living! The article would be about how she is getting to be so old, and she has chosen me to take over her industry, to keep people crafty!
13.  If you had to eat only one food for a year, what would it be?
            Potatoes. I’m a sucker for mashed potatoes especially, but I might need to mix it up a bit.
14.  Do you like to sing in the shower?
            Of course, who doesn’t?
We're not all special bees who can sing in a man-made downpour, okay?!?!
15.  What kind of dinosaur did you want to be when you were younger? What about now?
            When I was younger, I wanted to be raptor. They were small and nobody messed with them. Now that I’m older, I need to be something slower and more relaxed, like a long neck. They are slow, and don’t have a care in the world!
Raptors are freaking terrifying. They gave me nightmares all the time. 
16.  What is the last book you read for pleasure?
            I honestly don’t remember, it has been that long.
17.  Besides Facebook, what website do you spend the most time on?
            Definitely, Pinterest.
Another Pinner?! This office is full of them!
18.  Who is one of your role models and why?  
            My Grandparents are my role models because they have had a hard life, yet they are always so positive and happy. They’ve taught me so much and love and support me with anything I do.
19.  Do you have any hidden talents? What are they?
            Most people don’t know that I can draw. I love to draw people.
Draw me like one of your French girls!
20.  What would I find in your trash can right now?
            All the yogurt cups that are taking over my car!
Ermahgerd, every time I get into her car, there are yogurt cups EVERYWHERE! It truly is an invasion.
21.  If you could have lunch with any person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
            If I could have lunch with anyone, it would be my Uncle who died right before I was born. He sounded like a great person and I feel like we would have so much in common.
22.  If you had a theme song, what would it be?
           ‘I was here by’ Lady A
23.  Which areas of the world would you like to explore and why? 
            Well I think I answered this back in question 6, but I would love to explore all of them, well other than the ocean, and probably not Antarctica. Too scary for me!
But you could have a penguin army in a fortress of ice. Think Ice King from Adventure Time. Doesn't that sound glorious?!
24.  How would you describe yourself in three words?
            Easy going,
Hermione frowns on you counting ability... So close!
25.  Tell me a joke.
                What do you call an Alligator in a vest?
                An Investigator!

Want to know more about this lovely gal? Come to her next event, the infamous Boo-tacular. This Halloween Carnival is oriented for kids, put on by SAB and various clubs on campus. The poster is to be released soon...

You stay classy, Pocatello!
The Probies

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