Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Probing Deep: Meet the New Girl, Brooke

Our sincerest apologies to our diligent followers who missed us last week. Your great and terrible overlords were simply swamped with the madness that was Homecoming Week. Have now fear, for we shall dive right back in with a long, hard, and deep Probe into the world of our newest Chair, Brooke Roney.
This is seriously the worst photo of her we could find. Why does she have to be so photogenic?!
  1.  What is your full name? Brooke Lynn Roney
2.     What is some of your past and current involvement here on campus? I have participated in several events here on campus but SAB is the first organization that I have gotten involved in so far.
3.     What is your major and how long have you been at ISU? I am a pre-pharmacy student and this is my second year here at ISU.
4.     Where are you from and why did you decide to come to ISU? I am from a small town in Northern Idaho, Bonners Ferry. I originally decided to come to ISU because I wanted a new start and not a lot of people from my town were coming here. Another reason was because the of the pharmacy program.
5.     If you were a comic book hero or villain, what would your name, powers, and arch nemesis be? If I was a comic book hero my name would be Dr. Awesome. I would have the power to teleport so I could travel all over the world making it awesome. My arch nemesis would be Professor Lame.
She's so creative I kind of want to vomit... 
6.     List 5 goals on your life’s to-do and/or bucket list. 1) Make out with a cop. 2) Go skydiving. 3) Go to Australia. 4) Go Reef Diving. 5) Date someone my own age.
I feel like 4 of these things could be done at the same time, with enough creativity and willingness to put your life on the line. 
7.     Tell me about a scar you have and how you got it. I have a scar on the inside of my ankle that I got in the summer after 7th grade. I burnt it on a four wheeler.
8.     What are three things you cannot live without? Three things that I could not live without would have to be guns, trucks and animals.
Erhmahgerd, she's suuuuucccccchhhhhhhh a hick... 
9.     What is your favorite color? Camo. I am a bit of a redneck.
Point proven. 
10. How would your friends best describe you? Adventurous and spirited, bubbly and blonde, redneck and hard working, and camouflage because I can fit in with any group. 
11. If you were a Harry Potter character, which one would it be? I would be Lavender Brown because she is super bubbly and flirty.
Not to mention she gets viciously mauled by a werewolf the year after getting dumped by a ginger. There's nowhere to go but down after a ginger decides to leave you. 
12. If you were to be on the cover of a magazine in 10 years, what would it the magazine be and what would the article be about? It would be Life Magazine about finding a new drug that cures a terminal illness.
13. If you had to eat only one food for a year, what would it be? Definitely steak.
Put meat in mouth and Brooke is happy. Take notes, boys. 
14. Do you like to sing in the shower? I do sing in the shower occasionally but more often I play loud music and dance in the shower.
15. What kind of dinosaur did you want to be when you were younger? What about now? When I was younger I wanted to be a T-Rex, but then I realized I didn’t want to be stuck with a big head and little arms. So now I would probably want to be a Pteranodon (flyer) like Petrie from the Land Before Time.
16. What is the last book you read for pleasure? Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich
17. Besides Facebook, what website do you spend the most time on? Google. I google everything!!
18. Who is one of your role models and why?  My daddy. Because he is one of the hardest working men I know. He is funny and laid back and is one of those guys that everybody loves. He also tells the best stories that will have you rolling on the floor laughing.
19. Do you have any hidden talents? What are they? I have a killer shot with a Glock 9mm.
My gayness is showing as I had to Google what a Glock 9mm was... 
20. What would I find in your trash can right now? Nothing because I actually just took my trash out.
21. If you could have lunch with any person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? It would be my mom’s birth dad. He died before she was born. My grandma always tells me how much alike we are and I have always wished I had the chance to get to know the man who was able to sweep my grandma off her feet.
That's so touching... I'm legitimately "awwww-ing" right now. 
22. If you had a theme song, what would it be? Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf which also happens to be my all time favorite song.
23. Which areas of the world would you like to explore and why? I would love to go to Australia to find a sexy muscular man with an Australian accent. Either that or go down south to find myself a cowboy with a think southern drawl. Or explore Ireland because that is where my heritage is from.
Hmmmm so three-way in a Irish pub? 
24. How would you describe yourself in three words? Redneck. Adventurous. and Spontaneous.
25. Tell me a joke. What did the stoplight say to the car? Don’t look I’m changing!
Your joke is almost as bad as Carli's... Do y'all just read Laffy Taffy all day?

      So there you have it! Brooke Roney, only hired just last week as the Special Events Chair, is definitely a girl all y'all should get to know, especially if you are a cowboy (hint hint wink wink). Have a band you really want to see here? Get in talks with the beauty and she'll do her best to get a rocking concert and more next semester. 
      As always, I love to let all the little peasants know of our upcoming events. We have two major ones this week, one tomorrow, the other Friday. They are our DUI Simulator and October Family Game Night. We command that y'all join us those days!

You stay classy, Pocatello!
-The Probies

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